Photo by Evan-Amos. Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons. |
About 18
months ago, I started writing a new novel. No big deal. Writers do it all the
time. I’ve done it nine times before. But this would be different. Though in my
hubris, I didn’t realize it at the time.
difference is that this novel would have a sad ending. I’d never written that
type of book before. There’s a good reason that the vast majority of books end
happily. One of them is that sad books are HARD to write.
Imagine with
me. First of all, you have to get the reader to desire something very, very
badly. Then, you have to take it away. And make them like it. It’s like holding
out a Tootsie pop to a two year old and saying, “These are some yummy. There’s
chocolate inside the candy. You’d really love it.” The two-year-old reaches for
the Tootsie pop and you pull it away. And here’s the trick. The kid can’t
scream and cry. He must say, “I really wanted it, but I know this is best.”
Yeah, highly unlikely.
That’s pretty
much what a sad book is like. And it all comes down to the ending. And I blew
The first
ending I wrote, I refer to as the T.S. Elliot ending, “This is the way the
world ends, not with a bang but a whimper.” In other words, I dragged my reader
through 80,000+ words and then the main character lost everything and slunk off
into the sunset. My beta reader was incensed.
I rewrote the
ending so that it would be stronger. I now refer to this as the King Lear ending because after reading
it, the reader’s heart lies panting on the floor. The second beta reader said, “This
a great ending, but wow, there’s no hope. Don’t you want some hope?” (Clearly,
she did.)
At this
point, I did what I should have done at the very beginning. I talked to a
friend who’s made her living writing sad books. (Why didn’t I do this first
thing? But “fools rush in where angels fear to tread.”—Alexander Pope) She told
me that it’s important to make the ending strong, but there must be hope at the
end. So I checked the endings of some of my favorite sad novels (anything written
by Khalid Hosseini). Strong endings with hope.
I did another
revision and with great trepidation sent it to beta reader number three. After
she finished, she emailed and said, “I love the ending.”
Score. Now it’s
time to eat that Tootsie pop.
N.B. For those of you who read the Screwing Up Time series, this book is not part of that series. So don't worry.