Monday, November 14, 2011

Wonders of the Ancient World

I finished my read through of the rough draft of the Screwing Up Time sequel. Today, I’ll be digging into the text editing and revising. I’ve decided to give you a small hint about the sequel. Part of the novel will take place at one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. I hope that whets your appetite.

I’ve also decided to start a short story involving some of the characters from Screwing Up Time, and I hope to have it finished and available by Christmas. The short story will be set in the period of time between the first book and the sequel.

Here’s photo of the sequel after my first read through. You can see, tons of work to be done.

I also have a brand new Facebook Author page. And if you're interested in reading about "head in a bag plot devices" or why allergies are really the result of viruses created by pharmaceutical companies, visit my other blog, A Merry Heart.

Also, several friends of the blog have recently published e-books. Check them out. (If you have an YA or middle grade e-book you’d like me to mention, email me.)


Clockwise by Elle Strauss

Golden Blood by Melissa Pearl


Beyond the Land of Narnia by Joyce McPherson


  1. I would love to learn more about one of the seven wonders. Those look like great novels as well. Thanks for the heads up.

  2. You look ready for revisions. 7 wonders does sound intriguing!

  3. I love the seven wonders of the world - what a cool idea!
    I think your short story idea is cool too. Can't wait to read it.
    I have Screwing up TIme ready to read once I've finished another book and a half. Man, I wish there were more hours in the day!!

  4. The seven wonders of the ancient world--now that's intriguing!

  5. Congrats on getting to this point! It looks like you keep great notes and details while revising! I hope the rewrites/changes go smoothly!

  6. Best of luck with the revising. I hate that part until I get to the point of finally see it all hanging nicely together. Good luck with all your other projects too!
