Ten Interesting things about me (some fall into the “don’t
try this” category).
1. When I was a teenager, I was swimming in the ocean, saw a
sea turtle, and grabbed on for a ride. It was amazing. Until he pulled me out
to sea and decided to dive to the ocean floor.
2. I drove a car home from school (in Los Angeles) with my
eyes closed. It was okay though because my best friend told me when to turn,
when to slow down and when to stop.
3. I’ve been a runner for 29 years. (With some months off
here and there when I was pregnant; puking didn’t mix so well with running.)
And I actually hate running, but it feels so good when I stop.
4. I’m face-blind. I recognize people by their height,
shape, hair color, facial hair, etc. When my husband shaved his beard and
mustache, it took weeks before I didn’t have a split-second of panic, thinking
“who is that stranger,” every time I saw him.
5. My family calls me the “orchid whisperer” because my
orchids bloom prolifically. But the truth is that I don’t do anything except
ignore them and give them leftover ice cubes for water.
6. I can tie a cherry stem into a knot with my tongue.
7. My favorite junk food is honey-mustard pretzel pieces. They
make me happy...until I realize how many miles I have to run to cancel out my
8. Clowns and circuses really creep me out. I still can’t
figure out why face paint and demon-possessed eyes makes people laugh. Oh, and
those weird wind-up monkeys that bang cymbals...they’re creepy too.
9. I still have nightmares about missing a final for a
college class. I graduated a long time ago.
10. I love office supplies. Post-it notes, triangle-shaped
paperclips, red pens (I must have at least 12 at a time.), highlighters, push
pins (even though I don’t have a cork board.), floral binder clips, etc. One of
my favorite pastimes is going to Staples and redeeming my store credits for
more organization supplies. Bliss.
Six Bloggers to Whom I now Pass on the Award:
3. Margo Kelly
4. Patti
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