Mark and Miranda’s trip to the future to find Nin is only a
small part of the text—the majority of the story is set in two ancient
civilizations—but writing about the future opened huge possibilities. It was so
fun to play there, though I had to restrain myself since the SUT series is not sci-fi and the focus of
the novels always has to be Mark and Miranda and their problems.
As I created the future, the one thing I kept in mind was
that human history always seems to be a constant struggle through war, disease,
and technology. (I know tech seems to be “modern,” but consider the huge impact
catapults, cross bows, and battering rams had in their time.) So I kept war,
disease, and tech in the back of my mind as I explored how the future might
look and feel. And my obsessive love of reading Popular Mechanics and Chemical
and Engineering News gave me ideas on the technology in our near-ish
PS Does anyone have any idea why the font changes in the middle of the text? I've checked the HTML code and it doesn't show a font change. This is driving me crazy. Thanks.