Wednesday, June 11, 2014

What Happens When A Book is Done

Screwing Up Alexandria is published. Now what?

After all the writing, editing, proofreading, formatting, and uploading is done, I usually feel completely empty. Then, I have a release party. And I remember that hey, I've just finished writing another book. Woot!

My posse (i.e., my husband and whoever of my kids is currently at home) and I party. This time it was Ariel (on a brief vacation from grad school) and Matthew who joined in the celebration. We had mango-ginger cheese, fruit tart, bacon chocolate, smoke and stout chocolate, and, of course, champagne. We had a great time.


After the party, I try to spend the next week or two do nothing writing related (except checking sales and Amazon ranking, which have been quite good. (It has hit number one in its category every day--thanks so much to all my readers!) 

But doing nothing is so, so hard. Most writers I know, write as an avocation. So anytime there’s a spare minute, they’re writing or editing. And when that’s not there filling their empty minutes…well, I don’t know about the others, but when I’m “taking a writing break” to refresh and recharge my mind, I don’t know what to do. I wander the house, yard, neighborhood. And if you listen, you’ll hear me muttering, “I can’t write yet. I have to let the creative energy lie fallow.”

After two days, I’m beside myself. (Yes, I could be reorganizing the entry closet and that’s on the list, but that doesn’t recharge creativity. That's simply an odious task that no one else will do.) I need something that rests my mind, but still “makes something.” Then, the other day, I saw fabric on sale. I bought it. And now I’m making myself a top for the summer. That’s recharging.

Pattern, fabric, cotton lace.
About halfway finished. Check out the cool pin tucks.
I love pin tucks

Check back next week to see the finished garment.


  1. That is going to be gorgeous! And letting the creative mind lie fallow is a beautiful thing. If you get bored enough, I have a manuscript you could look at... :)

  2. Congrats on your release, Connie. I made it through the first week of my release without writing, but couldn't last beyond that. I needed to write again to keep me sane.

  3. Melanie, I'd love to beta read for you. I'll message you.

  4. Stina,

    I'm glad I'm not the only one. :)

  5. Congratulations on getting it out there! Wahoo! It's good to rest the mind now that it's done. :)

    Your top is so cute! You'll have to model it for us when you're done. :)

  6. Sewing is one of those excellent creative outlets, though I occasionally scratch my head at the sizing. According to the pattern, I'm supposed to be a size 16 and not a size 6 like my jeans say... hmmm...

    Your book looks like a lot of fun. I'm glad I saw you on Misha's blog.

    1. Lori, I always check the finished garment measures and based my size choice on whatever ends up as an inch or two bigger than my own measures--otherwise, the blouse/dress/whatever looks like something Omar the Tentmaker threw together.
